
And it was all yellow.

Love the song (like, REALLY love the song), often like the colour - but only in small doses. Recently I was flipping through a magazine and realized how versatile yellow is. I'm often scared of it because it can feel juvenile, overpowering or make me crave french fries, a quarter-pounder and a coke (please).

These photos, however, show yellow in a new light! (I'm loving the common pairing of gray and yellow lately.) I almost feel like you can't help but be happy when you're around yellow (too much?). From bright tropical yellow to pale butter cream, it really is just a little ray of sunshine!

Yes, I searched high and low for these photos, meaning Martha Stewart, Oprah, Veranda, Architectural Digest, and even ETSY.


Anonymous said...

When I read the title of this post, in my head I said "I love that song!" And then I read what you wrote.... shared brain wave!

And the article is good too!If I ever get a house with a view of the water like the one in the picture above (I'm going to win the lottery ya know), decorate it like that for me please!


Jenna said...

Best concert ever! I think you're about to have that view in...1 hour! lol Have an amazing time and stay safe from the gorillas!! :)

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