

In this sweet and unassuming courtyard, hidden in the streets of Paris...

Inside a dark front door, up these rough slate steps (that I adore)...

Was this.

And this.

And so many other beautiful settings that I could barely find the time to ask (in disjointed french) if I could take pictures or not...
Rooms of orange and gray, earthy and modern...

It was the type of store I could've spent all day in, puttering about...

Trying out the furniture, touching all of the accessories...

And then to leave and find this...

...A man romantically playing his guitar in the courtyard, plucked strings echoing off historic walls.

Flamant. 8 Rue de Furstemberg, 70056 Paris, France.

1 comment:

Copper Strawberry said...

It is beautiful Flamant - the Belgian home interiors company! I import Flamant to the USA. So many of these pieces are familiar to me. Visit me at www.copperstrawberry.com and Like me on Facebook for updates https://www.facebook.com/pages/Copper-Strawberry/216305948386913
Twitter @CopperStrawbery.
Flamant, vintage yet modern - a lovely company, wonderful people.
Kind regards,
Julie, Owner Copper Strawberry

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