
His First Place

It seems that in the "Standard Book of Life" (rolls eyes), years after learning to ride a bike, having a first crush, graduating high school, being a frat boy and getting a full-time job, every man must establish himself in his first place.

A bachelor pad is certainly no place for Aunt Edna's hand-me-down sofa and salvaged lamps from the curb. It's a place where beer and nachos will be devoured on Sundays, Chinese take-out will be eaten after a long day at the office and of course, where the magic happens. For some men, it may even be their last shot at decorating before assuming a man cave in the basement. Whichever the case, here are a few manly accessories and words of advice for making a bachelor pad a home.

Think long term. Yes, it's hard to believe that your hard partying ways may some day dwindle, but avoid spending money on novelty pieces that may not outlast these days. A classic lamp or good quality sofa is likely something you'll take with you.

Get comfortable with your artsy side. Hang a unique mirror on the wall, frame a few photographs or buy a piece of art that speaks to you. Avoid all temptations to re-hang that Metallica poster and consider more sophisticated and personal options.

Revisit your College Pro days. If you're able to paint the walls and are craving some colour, you've hit the bachelor jackpot for trendy paint colours. Navy blues, light grays, charcoals, leafy greens and bright whites will add depth, contrast and testosterone to your home. If painting isn't an option, use these colours in toss cushions or bedding to warm up the space.

Gone are the days of Mom returning from Home Outfitters with a new comforter, but I think even the most boyish bachelors can have fun making their place home.

Photographs from The Cross Design, West Elm, Currey and Company, Arteriors Home, ROMO, etc.

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